Sunday, January 7, 2007

100 Things About Me

I've seen this done, and I like it, so I'll get it started and add to it as I think of stuff...

1. I was a bicentennial baby, born in 1976
2. I am the 3rd of 4 girls in my family, I have NO brothers
3. I am a Scorpio...for real. I have all the characteristics...I just don't really believe in that stuff
4. I don't have any kids yet, but I would LOVE to have at least one, preferably more
5. I have 4 cats, 1 dog and a bunch of chickens
6. I live on a farm that has been in my husbands family for over 150 years
7. I always thought I'd live in a city
8. I'm not such a big fan of people
9. People don't always like me the first time they meet me, usually they change their mind later...or at least they say they do ;)
10. I am fiercely loyal to the people I truly care about
11. I really dislike people that are not loyal
12. I have been married twice
13. My first husband is an excellent person
14. My current husband is an excellent person
15. The first time I married to escape my own issues (funny how that doesn't work)
16. The second time I married because I was in love
17. I love rocks (yeah I'm a dork)
18. My husband loves rocks too
19. My favorite color is green
18. I'm of Irish descent
19. My family is the most important thing in the world to me
20. My parents are still married
21. I majored in Recording Industry Production & Techonology with minors in Mass Communications and Music (huh?...exactly)
22. I don't really use my degree and I don't think I ever really will, but I'm glad I have it
23. I love photography
24. I love music
25. I can't sit still long enough to watch most movies
26. I enjoy watching The Food Network
27. I enjoy reading the blogs of people I don't know (and people I DO know)
28. I love sushi
29. I love Diet Dr. Pepper
30. I rarely wear shoes that don't have high heels
31. I'm allergic to cats (yes, I did say I have 4)
32. My husband is an only child
33. I have a rebellious streak
34. I'd say I got that from my dad
35. People can't always tell me apart from my sisters, particularly the younger one
36. I love this because she's 6 years younger than me
37. My best feature is my eyes
38. My mother and 2 of my sisters have the same eyes
39. People think I have a great family
40. I agree with them
41. I live to eat out
42. My husband is a great cook
43. I didn't really like myself until I turned 30...not that long ago
44. I love sweet tea
45. I love imported beer
46. The house I live in is the first one that's felt like home since I left my parents' house
47. I love learning new things
48. I love Photoshop
49. I do digital scrapbooking, but my oldest sister is WAY better at it than I am
50. I like to travel
51. Every so often I just HAVE to see the ocean
52. I don't so much like to swim in the ocean
53. I don't tan...I only burn
54. I get this from my dad too
55. I believe in ghosts (yeah...ok, so I'm weird)
56. I live in a 150 year old house
57. My house creeps me out sometimes
58. I hate to dust, sweep and mop
59. I'm allergic to dust, mold and pollen
60. I love freshly folded laundry
61. I love fresh sheets on the bed
62. I love decorating my house
63. I like how I've decorated my house
64. I love that my husband can fix anything
65. Dark chocolate is my favorite
66. I am really good with Word and Excel
67. My computer skills are my best marketable asset
68. I use them everyday
69. Snakes and spiders scare me
70. There are all kinds of snakes and spiders where I live
71. I wish I could've met my husband's father and grandparents
72. My mother-in-law makes me laugh (in a good way)
73. I am a very intuitive and perceptive person
74. I get this from my mother
75. I should listen to my intuition more
76. My biggest fear is being alone
77. I am a very sentimental person
78. I love traditions
79. I have battled depression for years
80. I never miss a dose of my anti-depressant
81. I've decided taking care of myself if better than the alternative
82. I have to have at least 7 hours of sleep to be productive
83. I love steak (medium-rare)
84. I don't really like bell peppers
85. I talk to my parents at least once a week
86. I like cartoons (Futurama, The Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, etc)
87. I have a tattoo of a shamrock on my hip
88. I will never get another tattoo
89. I used to have my nose pierced
90. I used to dye my hair black
91. I still miss the city on a regular basis
92. My husband and my friends make me love living in a small town
93. I love how peaceful our farm is
94. Johnny Cash's Hurt is my favorite video ever
95. My favorite song changes all the time
96. I love irises
97. My husband and I got married in the Smoky Mountains National Park
98. Someday I want to take another trip to Hawaii
99. Someday I want to take a trip to Europe
100. I look forward to reading 100 things about my friends and family


Anonymous said...

Plan to visit India, the great nation.make it as

Daniel Poehlman said...

Tasmania or New Zealand are a couple of places topping my list.

Anyway, I did the 100 Things thing a while back. You're obviously welcome to check it out.

100 Things About Me

Katie said...

Good grief well I'm glad that's one less idea I have to come up with for my next post :). I think we get the ocean thing from Daddy. I definately feel an overwhelming need just to see it sometimes. I think it just makes you feel less trapped somehow, for me at least. Its just a sense of open. Yep too much psych in my life lol. You guys med. it I study it. haha BTW I actually blogged go see go see!

lzabeth611 said...

very cool idea!